
Chiellini: «The break was useful»

He trained even during the Christmas holidays. He did so out of his own accord, at home, to recover completely from the muscle injury suffered against Inter which made him miss the last matches of 2009. Now Chiellini is ready and speaks of the imminent return to official matches, while saying that the first few days of the new year saw the team working with great commitment and concentration. «The Christmas break was useful not only for me to recovery from the injury, but for all the team. We recovered energy and faith. Now we need results, which in such moments help the team to find the security and cohesion of some time ago. Everybody is giving his 110% to overcome the difficult moment».

Parma will be the first test for the team, a match which is far from easy: «Parma is undoubtedly the revelation of the year – stated Chiellini. They are fighting for a place in the Champions League, have a good squad and a coach that makes the team render to the maximum. They play well and have a good mix of youngsters and experienced players».

It is a commitment which Juventus will be facing with the conviction and will to get back immediately to what they always were: «We are going to Parma – concluded Chiellini – to win and first of all to be a team, to show on the field that we regained that compactness and that solidity which are the trademark of Juventus»

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