
Secco: "We Are a Team And Everybody Has The Same Responsibility"

Alessio Secco and Gianluca Pessotto took part at Sesto San Giovanni during an evening which assigned the traditional Torretta award. Amongst the persons receiving the awards were Juventus sports director Alessio Secco and Giorgio Chiellini, who was not present because he had just undergone an operation to the nose. His prize was collected by Pessotto.

Alessio Secco spoke to the journalists present who made quite a few questions about the current situation of the team. They asked whether the next two matches, against Inter and Bayern Munich, are decisive for Ferrara’s future. Secco answered:

"Absolutely not. He has the faith of all the management of the club" Others targeted were the Brazilian players about whom the sports director declared: "You are the ones to judge these players, who are absolutely of high value, after reading your articles published in August. It is true that we can and must do better, but this goes for all. We are a team and there is nobody who is more responsible than others. Felipe Melo? I would sign him again today".

Secco concluded speaking of the way one can emerge from this difficult moment: "I will not look into the technical level as this is in the competence of the coach. I say we must remain united and work even harder and better than we did up to now".


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